
How can companies optimize information flow advertising?

文章出处:木头人全网营销 作者:超级管理员 阅读量:232 发表时间: 2022-10-24 23:10:06

In-feed ads are not competitive ads. The core of information flow advertising is delivery, and the core of competitive promotion is ranking.

What is in-feed advertising? It is a form of advertising that inserts advertising information into content information and transmits it to interested users through interest tags, reducing the interference of advertising information to users, and guiding users to actively click and share.

There are four main elements of in-feed advertising: platform attributes, publishing settings, creative, and landing pages.

As long as you keep trying and optimizing these four factors to find the right delivery channel and delivery scheme, drainage and renovation are natural.


1. Platform properties

Information flow advertisements are actively suggested by the platform, interspersed with the content information of the platform, and displayed to target users with a high arrival rate.

With the popularity of the Internet, information flow advertising has gradually become the mainstream form of search, video, browser and other platforms.

Today, various information feed advertisements fill the fragmented time of users. While partying, playing, chatting and having dinner, they are always messaging on social apps. They spend time watching news and information during their commute, watching videos before going to bed, and relaxing. They even look at the search stream at work. It can be said that news feed advertisements are almost everywhere.

The news feed analysis report shows that news and social feed ads are more likely to be accepted by users. Among them, news platforms are easier to integrate with news feed advertisements, and social platforms are easier for users to remember news feed advertisements. Platform image has a certain impact on advertising brand perception, and social media is more likely to enhance brand awareness than news platforms.

It’s important to note that there are three factors that affect in-feed ads, display clicks and conversions.

2. Delivery settings

Delivery is the core of news feed advertising, and the core of news feed delivery is interest tags. The more tags you add, the more accurate your users will be and the better your conversions will be.

3. Originality

In-feed advertising originated from the original advertising platform and is mainly based on content. In-feed ads are full of informational content. So, while images can grab the user's attention, it's the text content that actually gets users to click through to the landing page, and users pay a lot

Pay more attention to words than pictures.

In addition, due to the small screen used by users, the pictures cannot display enough information, and texts are needed for supplementary explanations, so the creativity of information feed advertisements should be based on texts.

In the process of text creation, due to the limitation of display space, attention should be paid to the simplicity of the text and the reduction of the number of words, so that users can understand at a glance and avoid causing users to think. It's about connecting with things that are common in life and resonating. At the same time, pay attention to how well the creative materials match the properties of the platform.

4. Login page

Due to different targeting, there are two types of landing pages: brand campaign pages and lead collection pages. The purpose of the brand campaign page is brand exposure, and the purpose of the lead collection page is product transformation.

Because some users have fragmented reading in their reading habits, they like to browse quickly when reading information, and are reluctant to waste too much time on the same page. Therefore, in the design of the landing page, how to allow users to obtain information in a short time is a very critical issue.

In the landing page design, the content length should not be too long. There are two screens.

In terms of content, explain who I am, what I do, what services I offer, and what you can expect in the shortest amount of time possible. Let users quickly have enough trust in us to achieve transformation.

At the same time, we also need to analyze the landing page based on data such as user activity and user impressions, and regularly optimize it to increase freshness and content continuity.

In-feed ads need to continuously optimize their publishing settings, enrich user tags, improve ad content, and use creative materials to grab users’ attention. As long as the content is good enough, accurate exposure and efficient conversion can be achieved.


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