
Do you know about applets?

文章出处:木头人全网营销 作者:admin 阅读量:340 发表时间: 2017-11-30 08:44:52

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Since the birth of the applet, its“ No need to download and install, just go after use” The unique advantages of Tencent have aroused numerous concerns in the industry. From the current attention Tencent attaches to small programs, small program applications will continue to spread in the future and become another powerful tool for enterprise marketing.


Official account binding applet

Now the applet can also be bound with the official account. After binding, the official account introduction page will show the bound applet portal, and the official account will also be displayed synchronously in the introduction page of the applet. The binding of the applet to the official account requires the official account administrator and the applet administrator to scan the code for confirmation before binding:

1 The official account must be authenticated, and the subject of the official account must be consistent with the subject of the applet.
2 A official account can bind up to 5 applets.
3 An applet can be bound to at most one official account.
4 After binding, the WeChat client portal will take effect within 10 minutes.

How to change the quality and promotion difficulties of traditional WeChat business

The product quality of traditional WeChat merchants has been questioned by users, and the promotion methods used are simple and crude. These are the reasons why users reject WeChat merchants. WeChat has always conceived of e-commerce not as WeChat, but as“ Content+Social+E-commerce” WeChat e-commerce will replace WeChat e-commerce sooner or later.

How will the applet mall change the current situation of WeChat business?
1 On the product

The online app stores have qualification certificates. After strict review, the products are within the control system of WeChat and can be taken off the shelf at any time in case of problems.

2 Operation
Due to the improvement of applet data analysis, which method to use“ Drainage” The better effect will be gradually clear, and the marketing model of WeChat e-commerce will be digitalized and scientific, and become traceable.

How to open online and offline application scenarios for nearby applets
“ Nearby applets” It is a typical collection of offline scenes. When a merchant with a store generates an applet application, users near the store can find the corresponding store for consumption by searching or scanning the QR code of the applet.

This means that for e-commerce merchants, the customer flow of their stores is no longer limited by the store location, which saves the cost of site selection, and can also spread the store radiation range from hundreds of meters to several kilometers.

In addition, merchants can also directly reach potential consumers who have not paid attention to the store, introduce more traffic to the WeChat mall, and further open online to offline application scenarios.

Applet Data Assistant manages data anytime, anywhere
The applet data assistant supports relevant developers and operators to view the key operation data of their own applets, which is consistent with the routine analysis of the applet background. This function can help businesses and operators quickly understand the development of applets, monitor the access trend of applets in real time, and better operate.

What are you waiting for? Make a small program for you.

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